Rainy season

So friends today I will tell you about the rain. I love rainy season. It is also called mansoon. In the world in rainy season rain should come because the farmers want to grow up the crops in their farm without any day a rain will not come farmers cannot be able to grow crops our farmers help us to get fresh fruit but without any rain they cannot be able to grow crops that’s why rainy season is important to us. Rainy season comes after the summer in July and ends in September. We cut trees and do deforestation that’s rain do not come that’s why we should always be remember that we should grow trees instead of cutting them. In rainy season the temperature becomes low so we fell very cold. In rainy season so many people have fever that’s why we take holiday in the rainy season. In this rainy season we should have not be able to come outside because our full body can wet we should always be take an umbrella with us because the rain will come any time. The atmosphere change in the rainy season so we should carefull while in the rainy season. So friends today I tell you about rainy season. I like rainbow.

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