
So friends today I am going to tell you experiments. There are so many experiments in science. I will tell you so many experiments. 1.Take a glass and take a cotton stay the cotton in the bottom of the glass. Now take a tumbler fill water in it throw the glass in tumbler it will stay at the place that show us that the air occupies space. 2.Take an iron bar which is not made up of magnet made by magnet and keep it on wooden table. Also take a bar magnet. Hold one end of bar magnet at one end of bar magnet at once in a end A of the bar magnet. Without lifting, move the lower end till you reach end B. Start rusting it again and again along the whole length of iron bar in the same direction as you did before. Repeat this process of stroking the iron at same direction about 30 to 40 times. Then iron bar will then become a bar magnet we can weather iron bar has become or not by near bringing it to iron filings cling to the end of the iron bar, then it has become a magnet. If not, then we should continue the process of stroking the iron bar with bar magnet for some more time in the same way as before. So friends today I tell you about the experiment of magnet and air occupies space.

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